How will you know a true friend?
He/she doesn't show you as much affection as she shows your other friends. Example: She texts everyone else in your group but texts you less or doesn't text you
- Do you feel that you can trust him/her?
- Is he/she almost always there for you when you need him/her?
- Is he/she willing to help you out in a hard time?
- Does he/she include you in conversation amongst other friends, and/or talk to you as much, if not, more than everyone else?
- Does your friend apologize when he/she does something to you that he/she knows was wrong?
- Does your friend use nice manners when you do stuff for him/her or when you offer things to him/her?
- Does he/she remember to get you gifts, or at least wish you a happy birthday?
- If or when you two fight, do you get over it quickly, or does it take a lot of pleading forgiveness for them to forget it?
note:Don't lie to yourself about being friends with someone that does not feel the same way for you. Ultimately, you would only be hurting yourself.
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